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Alesko Environmental Studies ActivismClimate ChangeCommunity DevelopmentEnvironmental Restoration Swinomish Alberta’s Oil Sands and the Rights of First Nations Peoples to Environmental Health Lori Lambert, PhD, DS Environmental StudiesGeologyHealth ActivismClimate ChangeEconomic DevelopmentEnergyEnvironmental JusticeIntergovernmental RelationsInternational IndigenousNatural Resources Ancestral Roots and Changing Landscapes: The Impact of Seattle's Development on the Salish People of Central Puget Sound Brian Footen Environmental Studies Environmental RestorationLandLaw and JusticeSalmonSelf Determination and Self GovernanceTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Coast Salish People of Puget Sound Back to the Bison: The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes and the National Bison Range Linda Moon Stumpff Environmental StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration ActivismCultural PreservationIntergovernmental RelationsLandLaw and JusticeLeadershipSelf Determination and Self GovernanceTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Confederated Tribes of Salish Kootenai Back to the Future: Dam Removal and Native Salmon Restoration on the Elwha River Brian Footen and Jovana Brown BiologyEnvironmental StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration Environmental RestorationFederal and State Relations and PolicyIntergovernmental RelationsLeadershipSalmonTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Lower Elwha Klallam Blowing in the Wind: The Navajo Nation and Uranium Jovana J. Brown, PhD and Lori Lambert, PhD, DS, RN Environmental StudiesHealth Economic DevelopmentEnergyHealth and Wellness Navajo Boundless Water and Bounded People: The Cultural and Social Implications of Shellfish Closures in Boundary Bay Emma S. Norman, Ph.D. Environmental StudiesNative American StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration Environmental JusticeIntergovernmental RelationsTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Lummi Can the needs for environmental protection and biodiversity and the needs of indigenous people be reconciled? Robert S. Cole Environmental StudiesNative American Studies ActivismClimate ChangeEnvironmental JusticeInternational Indigenous Cape Wind and the Sacred Sunrise of the Wampanoag: A Victory for Whom? Kathleen M. Saul Environmental StudiesNative American Studies ActivismEconomic DevelopmentEnergySacred Sites Co-Management of Puget Sound Salmon: How well does the Use and Collection of Shared Fishery Science between Tribes and the State Guide Resource Protection? Brian Footen BiologyBusiness and ManagementEnvironmental StudiesNative American StudiesQuantitative Reasoning ActivismEnvironmental RestorationIntergovernmental RelationsLandLaw and JusticeSalmonSelf Determination and Self GovernanceTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Dam Removal on the Elwha River Peter Dorman EconomicsEducationEnvironmental Studies Environmental RestorationFederal and State Relations and PolicyIntergovernmental RelationsNatural ResourcesSalmon Lower Elwha Klallam Dams Down, Water Back…Salmon Back Kathleen M. Saul, Ph.D. and Van Maxwell-Miller, MES Environmental StudiesLawNative American StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration Cultural PreservationEnergyEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental RestorationFish and WildlifeLaw and JusticeNatural ResourcesSalmonTreaty Rights and Sovereignty All Tribes Darkness to Dawn: Columbia River Native Tribes’ Science and Salmon Restoration Success Brian Footen AnthropologyBiologyEconomicsEnvironmental StudiesNative American StudiesPolitical Science and Public AdministrationPsychology Social Work and Sociology ActivismClimate ChangeCultural PreservationEconomic DevelopmentEnvironmental RestorationIndigenous ScienceIntergovernmental RelationsLeadershipNatural ResourcesSalmonTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Nez Perce Environmentalism Across Cultural Borders Sarah S Works, J.D. Business and ManagementEconomicsEnvironmental StudiesHealthLawPolitical Science and Public Administration Economic DevelopmentIntergovernmental RelationsLaw and JusticeTreaty Rights and Sovereignty HopiNavajo Flathead Lake Fish and Methylmercury: Treaty Rights & Human Rights Lori Lambert, PhD, DS, RN BiologyEnvironmental Studies ActivismHealth and Wellness Confederated Tribes of Salish Kootenai Impacts of Global Climate Change on Tribes in Washington Rob Cole BiologyEnvironmental StudiesGeology ActivismClimate ChangeIntergovernmental RelationsSalmon All Tribes Impacts of Global Climate Change on Tribes in Washington Part II Rob Cole BiologyEnvironmental StudiesGeology ActivismClimate ChangeFish and WildlifeIntergovernmental RelationsNatural ResourcesSalmon All Tribes Irrigation Interests Threaten Precious Hoopa Tribal Fisheries, a Legal Perspective Tom Schlosser Environmental StudiesLawNative American StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration ActivismClimate ChangeEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental RestorationFederal and State Relations and PolicyLandLaw and JusticeSalmonTreaty Rights and Sovereignty HoopaKlamathYurok Is Your Tribal Land Secure? Ralston, Larry, The Evergreen State College Environmental StudiesGeologyNative American StudiesPolitical Science and Public Administration ActivismClimate ChangeCommunity DevelopmentLandLaw and JusticeLeadership Quileute It's in Our Treaty: the Right to Whale Brown, Jovana J. Environmental StudiesHistoryNative American Studies ActivismCultural PreservationSelf Determination and Self GovernanceTreaty Rights and Sovereignty Makah Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next › Last page Last »