Training Opportunities
We provide training on topics like Family Medical Leave Act and performance evaluations. Training offered by Evergreen Human Resource Services is free for employees. Talk to your supervisor, then register for any currently available opportunities.
We also arrange Employee Policy Training
You will receive email if required to complete a specific training session.
- Employee Policy Training: the Required Training: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging invitation will sent by email to new non-student employees.
- Employee Policy Training – EPT (Staff Only) Employees previously invited for Employment Policy Training will have further access after clicking the EPT link. If you were not invited and click the link, a message will appear stating Unauthorized. Invited staff will receive two separate emails, one from Human Resources, and a second email invitation from Canvas. Topics include:
- Information Technology (IT) Security
- Appropriate Use of IT Resources
- Copyright
- Ethics in Public Service
- Non-Discrimination Policies and Procedures
- Public Records Act
On Campus Training
Online Training options are available to all staff and faculty
- Motor Pool Training: Training for vehicle user permit
- CPR/First Aid Training: Arranged by Facilities Services several times each year.
- Wellness-related Activities are available on campus.
- Faculty Development & Training: Specific opportunities for development and trainings offered to faculty at Evergreen.
- Conflict De-escalation Training: A learning opportunity to gain skills and practice new tools in conflict de-escalation.
Off Campus Training
Steps for approval to register at DES and OFM for trainings
Work with your supervisor before you sign up for any off-campus training. Your work unit is responsible for funding off-campus training opportunities. If you have to travel to a training, see the Travel policy for reimbursement. If you have questions about time tracking for travel, contact Human Resource Services.
Training for state employees is offered through the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and the Office of Financial Management (OFM). Look through their catalogs to see if any of their offerings apply to you, then follow these steps to register:
- Pick a class and discuss with your supervisor.
- When you have approval for a specific training, have your supervisor email with specifics.
- Work with the person in your area who handles purchase orders. Once it's been paid for, have them give the PO number to us.
- HRS will make sure you're signed up.
Tuition & Fee Waivers
Permanent employees working at least half-time are eligible for the Tuition and Fee Waivers Program and the Tuition Discount Program.
Evergreen Human Resource Services will confirm your eligibility when you submit the form appropriate for your waiver program. Go to Registering with a Waiver to review employee tuition waiver programs.
If you plan to do class activities during work hours, you'll need to be in permanent status as of the first day of the quarter and you must have supervisor permission. Depending on your job's Collective Bargaining Agreement, you may be able to get up to lesser of ten percent (10%) or four hours per week of release time to attend classes, scheduled programs, or conferences with faculty that are not available at other times.