Native Case Studies

Enduring Legacies Native Cases
Pathways for Native American Students in Higher Education Mini-Cases, Part 1
Barbara Leigh Smith and Kayeri Akweks
The Pathways for Native Students in Higher Education mini-series includes short cases about important issues in Native student access and success in higher education. The larger research-based report that is the background document to read before tackling these cases is our attached recent report, Pathways for Native Students: A Report on Washington State Colleges and Universities, 2010. The mini cases om Part 1 include such topics as how to organize support services for Native students, what works in Native student access and success, identifying and working on trouble spots in the curriculum, diversifying the faculty, increasing completion rates, the impact of culturally relevant curriculum, college readiness and pipeline programs and others. We suggest gathering cross college groups of staff and faculty to discuss these cases. By using these cases along with the many transferable practices in the Pathways report, colleges can learn about ways they might improve their own efforts.