Through the Labyrinth of Growth: Applying Psychology to Career Design

Summer Open
Class Standing
Penelope Partridge

"In a labyrinth, one does not lose oneself. In a labyrinth, one finds oneself" - Hermann Kern

Life has a winding path. Using coaching and counseling techniques as a frame, this remote course will approach designing your life's next leap, step, or project through a series of art and eco-therapy-based inquiries. As we delve into the questions of how to integrate our authentic interests into our current and future lives, we will practice witnessing techniques founded in mythopoetics, positive psychology, and psychodynamic theories. This course will encourage ample time spent away from the computer. Working as a synchronous group and in asynchronous dyads, students will explore the questions: What gives me the most vitality and how can I integrate more of it into my life? Additionally, students will have space to work out the structural decisions and planning of writing related to graduate school applications, the academic statement, or general life design. This course will also feature several panels hosting innovative former greeners (as well as non-alumni) at different stages of their careers, who will share what it took them to launch and move past the dragons one inevitably encounters in the labyrinth of life. Labyrinthine patterns of growth will be examined as will antidotes to vocational thresholds and sticking points.

This psychology course will support those potentially interested in developing careers in any type of counseling, coaching, human resource, or public service role, as well as those who want to dive into their own process of self-discovery and path-building. Learners at all levels of art and psychology are welcome.

Those enrolling in the 6-credit option will engage in an additional project such as: writing for applications of all kinds (graduate school, scholarships, etc.), resume and CV creation, academic statement work, art portfolio creation, or any other project associated with their own personal professional development. Students hoping to engage in the 6 credit option should begin the class with a project in mind, and be prepared to attend several additional asynchronous co-working activities throughout the second session of the summer quarter. For community-based service-learning internship options, please contact the faculty directly to arrange a separate ILC prior to the beginning of the summer quarter.


Course Reference Numbers
Second Session (6): 40075
Second Session (4): 40076

Academic Details

All Careers. While this course is taught through a psychology-skills-based lens, the learning done here will help students to envision themselves in any career while taking a developmental view of the cycles and patterns commonly encountered on the career seeker's journey.



Remote (Su)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Schedule Details