Special Education Processes & Technical Assistance

Beyond Compliance: Using Strengths and Needs for Instructional Planning
(18 clock hours, $72)

The content for this course was originally part of the Special Education Consistency Index (SECI) training that was required to be able to use the SECI platform. The SECI platform was discontinued, however, the content from what was Module Two continues to be requested for staff training. The focus of the original course content was the Evaluation Review Tool and IEP Review Tool. This revised course will use the original documents and videos for these tools and take this learning further into application. 

Family Engagement: Collaborating with Families of Students with Disabilities
(10 clock hours, $40)

Focus on the importance of family engagement and attitudes toward disability and how to better understand and engage with families of students with disabilities. The content for this course is based on online training modules developed by the IRIS Center.

High Quality Individual Education Programs: IEP Development and Administrative Support
(15 clock hours, $70)

This course covers the process of developing high-quality individualized education programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities including the requirements for IEPs as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with implications of the Supreme Court's ruling in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District. Additionally, specific content offers guidance to building administrators to support and facilitate the development and implementation of high-quality IEPs.

Identification of Students with Disabilities
(10 clock hours, $40)

An overview of the special education process by which students are identified as having a disability and in need of special education and related services and, therefore, an individualized education program.

Mini-Module: Provision of Services to Transfer Students in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

This mini-training provides an overview of the special education process that governs students transferring between school districts in Washington and into Washington from other states and countries. This mini-training will help participants:

  • Understand  legal and procedural requirements for students eligible for special education services transferring into a district from within the state of Washington.
  • Understand  legal and procedural requirements for students eligible for special education services transferring into a district from outside the state of Washington.
  • Understand definitions of critical concepts (in consultation with parents, comparable services, etc.) relevant to the transfer process.
  • Understand concurrent regulations and requirements for particular populations (military, McKinney-Vento, etc.) as it relates to the transfer process.

Mini-Training Module: Considering Paraeducator Support in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

An overview of how to respond to requests for paraeducator support, how to define paraeducator support in the special education process, and the balance between student independence and provision of paraeducator support.

Mini-Training Module: Discipline in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

An overview of the procedures and regulations related to discipline for students eligible for special education services.

Mini-Training Module: Prior Written Notice in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

An overview of the purpose, regulatory requirements, and timeliness of Prior Written Notice.

Mini-Training Module: Progress Reporting in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

An overview of the purpose, regulatory requirements, and timeliness of progress reporting.

Mini-Training Module: Referral, Initial Evaluation, and Eligibility in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

Provides an overview of the special education process by which students are identified as having a disability and in need of special education and related services and, therefore, an individualized education program (IEP). The process is broken into components including identification, evaluation, and eligibility.

Mini-Training Module: Service Delivery in the Special Education Process
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

An overview of the service matrix component of the IEP and the connection between the service matrix and service delivery and the least restrictive environment.

Mini-Training Module: Service Delivery in the Special Education Process Part 2
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

This mini-training builds on eLearning for Educators Mini-Training Module: Service Delivery in the Special Education Process and provides an overview of further elements of the IEP. In this training, participants will:

  • Understand the role of the evaluation team and IEP team in determining the need for services.
  • Understand the distinction between Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), Related Services and Supplementary Aids and Services (SAS).
  • Understand the distinction between accommodations and modifications.
  • Understand special factors that the IEP team should consider in the development of the IEP.

Role of the General Education Teacher in the Special Education Process
(12 clock hours, $48)

This course is intended to provide general education teachers functional information about the background and requirement s of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to meaningfully participate as a member of IEP teams. The relationship between special education and MTSS as well as Universal Design for Learning principles are included to support general education staff in making wellinformed decisions about whether a referral for a special education evaluation is appropriate and necessary.

Technical Assistance Training: Child Outcome Summary Reporting in Early Learning
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

As you navigate through Child Outcome Summary (COS) Reporting in Early Learning, you will dig deeper into the purpose of COS including accuracy and fidelity of COS reporting. As you explore the material, you will be given videos, reflective questions, optional activities/practice quizzes, and two required assessments to help you have a thorough understanding of the content.

Technical Assistance Training: Coding Least Restrictive Environment in Pre-K IEPs 
(No cost; 0 clock hours)

This self-paced training takes three to six hours to complete. This training is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of LRE Coding in Pre-K IEPs. It was developed by ESD 121 and ESD 189 on behalf of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). As you navigate through LRE coding in Pre-K IEPs you will dig deeper into identifying the accurate LRE coding based on setting, duration and location of services. As you explore the material, you will be given reading, reflective questions, videos and assignments to help you have a thorough understanding of the content.