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Master in Teaching 2024-25

Fall Open
Class Standing
Leslie Flemmer
Sarah Grant
Sara Sunshine Campbell
Catherine Peterson

Master in Teaching 2024-25

Creating Culturally Sustaining Learning Communities: Teaching with Joy and Justice!

The MiT Program aims to prepare aspiring K-12 teachers who center students, their families, and their communities as they design and implement meaningful learning experiences. Faculty recognize that the journey to becoming a teacher began before you joined the program and will continue after you graduate. The program design is framed by the Washington State Professional Education Standards Board Cultural Competency, Equity, and Diversity Standards and the InTASC Standards for Teacher Education. These standards lay the groundwork to prepare teachers who 

  • understand themselves deeply as diverse cultural beings so they can better serve others across a range of human differences

  • include students, families, and communities as valued members of and contributors to the education community

  • create conditions that support partnerships and shared responsibility for learning and 

  • create opportunities and remove barriers to ensure each and every student experiences the full benefit of public education (PESB, 2022)

If teachers are to be effective advocates for their students, they must deepen, and perhaps challenge, their current beliefs about teaching and learning. As teachers we must develop within ourselves the emotional and intellectual attributes needed to understand, support, and teach our future students, and to meet their diverse needs.

In the fall and winter quarters, you will spend time in classrooms working closely with a mentor teacher as you learn how to teach effectively, assess accurately, and plan lessons by drawing on student assets and prior learning. Praxis strands will draw on theories of learning and extend to practices that effectively leverage student participation and active engagement. We will continue to explore strategies for drawing on student and community culture wealth and consider how to decolonize our curriculum and classroom practices. You will hone these practices and ideas in your field experience classrooms and demonstrate your progress in a Culminating Portfolio.

Students who successfully complete the quarter will earn credit in: 


  • Child and Adolescent Development (2 credits)

  • Native Education & Indigenous Pedagogies (2 credits)

  • CR Classroom Environments (2 credits)

  • Endorsement Praxis (4 credits)

  • Field (5 credits)

  • Field Seminar + Professional Development (1 credits)


  • Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 credits)

  • Performance-Based Assessment (1 credits)

  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (2 credits)

  • Inclusive Teaching Practices (2 credits)

  • Endorsement Praxis (3 credits)

  • Field (5 credits)

  • Field Seminar + Professional Development (1 credits)


Course Reference Numbers
GR (16): 20103

Course Reference Numbers

GR (16): 10011

Academic Details

K-12 Teaching


Candidates must pay a required fee of $84 plus processing fees to an Education Service District (ESD) for finger-printing and background check before fall quarter begins.

Candidates also pay for gas or for public transportation to Field Placement sites. 


Hybrid (F)
Hybrid (W)

See definition of Hybrid, Remote, and In-Person instruction

Day, Evening, and Weekend

Please confirm with MiT faculty or Assistant Director for updated class times and specific weekends.

Schedule Details
SEM 2 A2105 - Workshop