Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Giant Clam Improv Collective: Chibi Chibi Con Rehearsal

6:00pm - 7:50pm
Purce Hall 4 - Lecture

Giant Clam Improv Collective’s mission is to create a safer, braver space for Greeners to collaborate with one another in the style of improvisation!

Improv is a ritual and experiment that allows us to connect with our sense of play, activate flow states, commit to the moment and liberate our truest potentials. This work is only successful if we support each other, our work is not possible without the collective.

As a collective, we strive to work together to make Giant Clam possible; there are opportunities to pitch in on ideas and leadership if desired, or to just show up occasionally and participate. Our practices make space to meet new people, laugh about ridiculous scenarios, be serious as needed, propose ideas, and create on the spot! Giant Clam is open to all; those who have done theater or improv, those who haven’t, and those who create across all mediums.

Improv is about the process, not the final result, therefore this club focuses on having fun rather than the technicalities of “being good at improv”. If being a part of a fun-loving community of collaborating artists sounds like a good time to you, then Giant Clam Improv Collective is right up your alley!

Email with any questions!
23/05/24 06:00pm - 23/05/24 07:50pm