Tuesday, February 13, 2024

MES Information Session

5:00pm - 5:50pm

Interested in getting your Master's? Passionate about the environment? Join MES Assistant Director, Averi Azar, for a virtual information session on Evergreen's Master of Environmental Studies program! Info Sessions are a great way to meet MES staff, learn about the program, and ask questions live! At the next Info Session you'll hear a thorough overview of the program and have the ability to discuss how an MES can help you achieve your academic and career goals. Please email Assistant Director, Averi Azar at averi.a.azar@evergreen.edu with any questions you may have before the event. If you're interested in attending the next session, please register for the event below! More information about the MES Program can be found on our website: http://www.evergreen.edu/mes.

Register at: https://evergreen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlcO2orjgoGNIaVI7KWekRY5VbmtH7kwAV#/registration

Email averi.a.azar@evergreen.edu with any questions!
13/02/24 05:00pm - 13/02/24 05:50pm