Emeritus Status

Effective Date
Policy #07
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Emeritus Status


The title of "Emeritus" denotes a status and does not obligate the college or the retiree to a set of functions, benefits or obligations. "Emeritus" is a distinction with which the administration and peers recognize and honor retiring faculty for their career of service in the institution. Emeritus status will be granted by the Board of Trustees.


The process of awarding "Emeritus" status will be initiated by colleagues. To be eligible, a faculty member must be a regular faculty member on continuing contract who is retiring in good standing and has worked at least ten years as a member of the faculty of the college. The nominations will be voted on at a meeting of the faculty. Faculty endorsement will be submitted to the Provost. The Provost in consultation with the Academic Deans recommends emeritus status to the President and the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may consider the matter in executive or public session and, should they so decide, make the award in public meeting.